Tuesday 16 September 2014



How are you going to be celebrating this years Mabon? I have been busy leading up to this point, either drying, pickling, cooking and freezing all my herbs medicinal, culinary, and magickal not to mention my vegetables... put it this way we will be eating plum jam till next mabon 2015! 

The changing of the season is upon us, and the Autumn Equinox is here. As we come to mid flow of our harvesting, the fruits of our labors have been picked, and plucked, harvested and stored for the the coming months of winter. As the saying goes 'You reap what you sow'... literally. 

Mabon is the mid-harvest festival where time is taken to honor the changing of the seasons. Celebrations, take place to give thanks for the harvest, and for the gifts the earth has provided to us. It is the Witches Thanksgiving, as the earth is being put to rest when the colder weather starts to set in. This point of the year is also a time to reflect on the past events, finishing up any projects, to plan ahead for the future and for change. 

It is the day of the year where day equals night, where nature gives an equal balance. From an astronomical view point the date may vary slightly from year to year. This year the actual date and time of the Autumnal Equinox is at 20.44 on the 22nd of Sept 2014.  

I do love this time of year, with the changing of the colours, its just so beautiful. The smell of the earth in the air when it rains is now very sweet, as a telling sign that the ground has given all its vitality to our fruits and is ready to go into hibernation, until next year. 

Mabon is a great time for casting spells for balance, harmony and protection. 

Here a few herbs that you could use, for rituals, washes, spellcasting etc:

Mabon Magickal Herbs

Rue, yarrow, rosemary, marigold, sage, walnut 
leaves and husks, mistletoe, hibiscus, saffron, chamomile,
almond leaves, passionflower, frankincense, 
rose hips, bittersweet, sunflower, wheat, oak 
leaves, dried apple or apple seeds.


Pine, sage, sweetgrass or myrhh. You can also mix 
marigold, passionflower, and fern, using 
frankincense or myrhh as a resin for Mabon incense
Mabon Magickal Stones

During Mabon, stones ruled by the Sun will help 
bring the Sun's energy to you.clear quartz, 
amber, peridot, diamond, gold, citrine, yellow 
topaz, cat's-eye, adventurine.
You can even make your own mabon oil, here is a simple recipe:
4 drops Rosemary 4 drops Frankincense 2 drops Apple 1 drop Chamomile Use Almond oil as a base
If you don't have the ingredients to hand let me do the work for you just order yours here today and have it ready for your altar in the next few days.
My family recipe is different to the above and has been magickaly charged for your convenience :) 

Another way to incorporate Mabon is with a ritual bath, I have designed a Hot process soap for this purpose. Please order yours today by visiting my shop here, and request a custom order with the word 'Mabon Soap' in the title 

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