Thursday 10 December 2015

Witch Balls

Witch balls are fascinating things, They are so beautiful, and made out of glass. Witch balls could be quite large or be quite small. Or they are shiny, painted, filled with items or clear. Basically I could stare at one for hours...

I took this picture in my garden with a completely empty ball, it's beautiful just on its own. Isn't it just mesmerising? All those colours! And it's just glass!

That is precisely what their creation is for.. to draw in and entrap. Folklore has it that evil was so enchanted by these shiny round spheres that once they were drawn towards them they would never leave, therefore entrapping them inside protecting whoever they were meant to harm.

Witch balls or friendship balls  as they are also called today are an ancient way of either entrapping or reflecting back whatever it is you want or don't want.  They first made their appearance in the 13th century in Venice. They were hand made by skilled craftsmen by hand blowing these beautiful spheres, as many are still made like that today. They became a permanent feature in many European gardens and homes because of their beauty.

Traditionally these balls were hung by porches, doorways and windows to protect the house and home from any witches spells, and to ward of evil and ill fortune.

The glass itself is made from a perfect balance of the elements, it comes from the earth, then made by fire, blown to shape by air and is clear like water. A perfect combination, and as its a perfect circle it represents infinity, with no beginning and no end, the perfect entrapment or prison for any evil spirits as there is no way back out. These balls were made to be mirrored, so as to attract or deflect accordingly. They are traditionally filled with herbs, spices talismans, evil eye, twisted bits of string etc. you could really fill them up with whatever your intent is to attract or deflect.

To make your own witch ball you can either recycle an old glass ornament, by scraping off the paint and decorating it yourself. Add the herbs, or items you want for your specific intent, seal it with wax, add your charms, and while doing so you must visualise what it is you want during its creation.

Remember to always create these on a waxing - full moon phase.

Here are a few herbs and their intents:

Protection herbs:
Angelica, Asafoetida, balm of Gilead, Boneset, Cypress, Dill, Garlic, Fennel, foxglove,  Hyssop, Rosemary, St-johns-wort, Valerian, Vervain, 
Protection crystals/stones/minerals: 
Jet, Onyx, smokey quartz.

by all means this isn't an extensive list but here a few for you to start with
You can use any combination of these herbs/stones/colours to your choosing, or any other items you wish.. as longas you focus your intent when doing so. 

Blessings to you all

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Natural deodorants that beat the pong..

Deodorants are a touchy subject especially if your personal smell isn't the best on the planet. We all have a 'personal' smell, but some of us are worse than others. It all really does boil down to personal hygiene, what you eat, and your overall health. There are some conditions that should not be left untreated as it can be very debilitating.

However let's take a look at some of the ingredients that go into a commercial deodorant and antiperspirant.

All these are filled with potentially toxic ingredients that upset the happy equilibrium of your natural balance.

Aluminium, parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, synthetic fragrances.

This blocks the sweat, and is found in most antiperspirant, deodorants. It is a known neurotoxin and a suspected contributor to Alzheimer's disease, chemical sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, birth defects, allergies and breast cancer.

These are also a cause for concern. As scientists believe that the parabens that are used in most deodorants and antiperspirants could be responsible for accelerating the growth of tutors in the breast.
Studies do show that women who use these type of deodorants are 8 times more likely to develop breast cancer, in the area closest to the armpit, than any other part of the breast tissue. To read more on this report I have included a link to the BBC

Why would you want to block your sweat? Sweating is actually a good thing, it's the body's natural process of eliminating toxins from the body. The way aluminium salts work, is by closing, clogging, or blocking your pores completely. This also interferes with the body's natural ability to regulate its temperature. Two very important functions.

The body's reaction to this is, once the antiperspirant wears off, the u dream sweat glands will then increase sweat production to over compensate. This will cause a vicious sweaty cycle, as we will keep grabbing the one item that is the one that causes this.

These are the ones that neutralise body odour while also killing the bad bacteria that causes bad odour. 

What we need to remember is, SWEAT IS NOT THE ENEMY! In fact fresh perspiration is odourless!! The odour happens when sweat mixes with airborne bacteria. 
Commercial deodorants kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. This then leaves our bodies in a defenseless state.

At this point I want to talk about natural deodorants, there are an array of choices out there, from clay based, cream based and solid butters, crystals, etc. So it could be hard choosing one that will work for you.

Everyone is different, and unfortunately the only way to find out is to try them out. What works for one person my not work for another. I tried a clay based deodorant and it did not work for me, but my dear friend does swear by it. 

So I decided to go back to the drawing board and started experimenting. As I'm a bit of a fitness fanatic, I really do test deodorants to their limits

If this will be your first time using a natural deodorant it can take up to 4 weeks for the detox process to occur so you may see a slight increase in odour to start with.

So here is the recipe I have ended up with, through trial and error. 

Probiotic deodorant recipe:
1 tbsp coco butter
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp Shea butter
1 tbsp beeswax
2 1/2 tbsp arrowroot powder
1 tbsp bicarbonate of soda
1/4 tsp vitamin E oil
15 drops essential oil of choice
2 capsules of probiotics 

 Here's a little bit of info about why I chose these ingredients:

Coco butter:
It is high in antioxidants that are beneficial organic molecules that protect the skin from environmental, internal, and external forces that cause irritation and damage to the skin. It's anti ageing and it provides a barrier to the skin that protects it from outside agents ( like odour causing bad bacteria). It reduces inflammation (which great if you shave your underarms).

Coconut oil:
Is a fabulous moisturiser, it's antibacterial (great to eliminate those funky smells) and antifungal so why not have it in your deodorant?

Shea butter:
Shea butter is an amazing thing that nature gives us. Raw and unrefined Shea butter is high in vitamins A and E and is incredibly soothing for your skin. Why not use this butter in one of your most vulnerable places.. Your armpits :)

I use it as a stabilizer and to harden it up just a tad to give it a stick deodorant feel. It does not clog pores, but it does help the other butters to lock into your skin to help with their moisturising properties. Beeswax has been used for centuries in skin care, with excellent results. 

Arrowroot powder:
This is so versatile in both food and skincare. Not only is it a thickener in this recipe, but it also has the power to draw out toxins, wow! 

Bicarbonate of soda:
It's the best natural deodoriser on the planet, I haven't incorporated much into this recipe as too much can cause irritation. 

Vitamin E:
It's a powerful antioxidant that combats all those nasty free radicals out there. Vitamin E is fabulous for wrinkles, and it has been shown to have excellent healing properties for burns, cuts, eczema and psoriasis.

The probiotics just work with your friend flora, lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum and bifidobacterium lactis are the ones that I use for this formula. It contains 20 billion viable proprietary organisms.

Here is how to make the deodorant bar..
In a double boiler add your cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax, and melt on a low heat. If it gets to hot your shea butter can get grainy. Once your butters and beeswax have melted add your arrow root powder and bicarbonate of soda. keep stirring until its incorporated into a smooth paste. At this point you need to let it cool to below 40 degrees Celsius before you can add your probiotics, vitamin E and essential oils, as it will render your probiotics usless and destroy the beneficial qualities of your essential oils and vitamin E, if incorporated at a higher temperature.
Once all your ingredients have been added pour into moulds of choice, and let it cool.
Voila! There you have it, Natural deodorant :)

If you don't have the time or the resourses, take a wander over to my shop as I have there ready for you. Click here

****Please Note****
These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They are educational and informational only. Please consult a professional for any advise before using or making any of our products.

Friday 4 December 2015

The 12 day celebration of Yule

The 12 days of Yule celebrations explained...

For me it's a reminder of the things that I should be doing on a day to day basis, these 12 days just re-affirm it. It's good to have reminders of who we are. 

Yule is derived from the Norse word Jul, meaning wheel, a symbol of the Sun revolving across the sky~ Yule is a 12 day holiday, it begins on "Mothers Night" (December 21st) and ends 12 days later on "Yule Night" (January 1st)~

♦1st day of Yule – Mother’s Night
Mother’s Night welcomes in the Season of Yule~ As we encourage the return of Sunna (the feminine aspect of the Sun) we honor the feminine all around us. Honor the Idises, Asynjor, all Mothers, Great Grandmothers and your feminine ancestors. Raise a horn to the glorious women who give birth to us and to the feminine spirits that support us. Give this time in honor to all Mothering aspects

♦️2nd Day of Yule – The Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice represents the shortest day and the longest night. From this day onward Sunna gains strength and eventually breaks winter’s spell. Celebrate Sunna’s return and the fertility she brings!

♦3rd Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Courage
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air~ We conjure up our courage to face fear, uncertainty, physical and emotional pain, even danger~ Tonight find the courage that lies within you and accomplish the goals and dreams you have~  Summon your inner courage for the coming new year~

♦4th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Truth
Truth goes beyond little white lies to a deeper understanding of how our universe works~ Truth is speaking from your heart, the deepest part of your being, beyond those filters you have chosen to perceive your experiences through, to the place where your highest self dwells~ The part of you that speaks in the stillness with loving, gentle words of assurance and understanding.~Sometimes our filters are so good at what we placed them there to do, that they completely block out any access or direct connection to the truth~ Speak your Truth from your heart with kindness and compassion~

♦5th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Honor
“he who sows virtue reaps honor.” – Leonardo da Vinci ~ Without honor in our character we cannot be successful~ Honor represents one of the core principles on which we grow spiritually as human beings~ All great men and women seek its wise counsel and bind themselves to the laws of its wisdom~ Although it is rarely the topic of discussion, it is a source from which joy springs… and abundance can never be enjoyed without it~ living each day with honor in your heart will enrich your soul in ways that are beyond words. We can have all the riches in world, but without honor, none of us shall taste true success.

♦6th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Fidelity
We must remain loyal to who and what we are as well as to those whom we love and respect~Those around us need to have the ability to take us at our word, and our word needs to be our bond of Love and Truth~ Our handshake needs to seal the deal. The devotion to our deeds has to be of the uttermost importance~

♦7th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Hospitality
Being hospitable transcends an idea or habit, and allows us to be receptive. It shifts us into a mind set of welcoming and allowing the changes in Energy we would like to initiate. It allows a different perspective. Being approachable; a warm smile; the ability to hear what someone tells you either through language, indirect statements, or subtle bodycues; a receptive nature. It's something we are all capable of~ In what ways can you grow and be more hospitable~

♦8th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Discipline
Staying true to who you are and what you believe plays a vital part in your spiritual growth~ The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body - to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen  and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes~ stay focused on spiritual and earthly goals~

♦9th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Industriousness
Life requires that we work hard. Never sit back and take the easy way out in regards to your ability to create a lifestyle for yourself. No matter the lifestyle you choose, know that your elevation in life, or lack of it, may (but not always) be the direct result of your depth of diligence. Do the best you can, and know that your efforts have been suitably rewarded~

♦10th Day of Yule – remember  the Noble Virtue of Self-Reliance
Do not create codependent relationships in any way~ Do not let your happiness, or your success, be determined by anyone else~ Be responsible for the health and well being of yourself~ Rely on your own efforts to secure your needs~ Everything else given to you will be a blessing~

♦11th Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Perseverance
If you give up, you die. It really is simple, isn’t it? No matter what you are doing, see it to its conclusion. Even if you try and fail, realize that the only real failure is not trying. Failure is evidence that someone has tried. Success is failure defeated. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

♦12th night
Thus ends the season of Yule as we prepare for the upcoming year. It’s a time to remember from whence you came as well as a time to make plans for the near future. Take oaths, make promises, love fiercely, grow spiritually, learn from your mistakes and rejoice in the joys your life brings~ if life brings you struggles, find a way to be reborn from the ashes~

 Merry Yule to all of you~ Wishing you Warmth and Love~

Thursday 3 December 2015

Witches ladders, charms, Handfasting

Witches ladders make perfect gifts, you can make them with ribbon, twine, coloured string, beads, knots, charms, feathers, berries, twigs, bones, beads, crystals, you name it, if you have the items you can make it your own. You could use practically anything, as long as it corresponds with your intent while making it. It's a form of knot or cord magic, and it can be used in Handfasting, altar magic, meditation, binding and so on. 

Witches ladders, are created traditionally with red, white and black cord (representing maiden, mother crone) with either 9 charms, 9 feathers or nine knots. 

So with each charm feather or knot, you are weaving your intent and energy into this magical tool

You can make a witches ladder for any specific purpose, such as for prosperity, healing, protection, binding and so on.. You decide! 

Here's a traditional spell that can be used while creating your witches ladder.

'By Knot of one, the spells begun,
By knot of two, it cometh true,
By knot of three, so mote it be,
By knot of four, this power I store,
By knot of five, the spells alive, by knot of seven, events I'll even, by knot of eight, it will be fate, by knot of nine, what's done is mine.'

Here is my Yuletide witches ladder that I created, especially for this festive season. 

Lovingly made with energies of health, prosperity, and luck

It is made with red/burgundy ribbon, for strength, health, vigour, Yule.

A green crocheted silk scarf, for finances, fertility, luck, success, prosperity.

a ribbon of embroidery floss that was made up with metallic green, gold, silver, red/pink, to give a little sparkle to it.
Silver for the feminine energy
Gold for the male energy
Green (as above)
Pink for healing

It also has 3 red feathers, for health, strength, vigor, Yule

8 bronze/gold pewter charms, in relevance to the season, these consist of, dragonflies one at the beginning and one at the end, (dragonflies are associated with prosperity, harmony and good luck). A Yuletide / winter solstice wreath, bells and holly, candy cane, St Nicholas, a festive tree, an ornate key and one Tibetan silver pentacle charm for protection (making a total of 9 charms) and 9 knots. Each charm and each knot are sealed with a spell of intent.

To be hung up by your altar for the winter solstice celebrations, for meditation purposes, or adding a bit of 'POW' to your spell castings in association with health, prosperity and luck. 

The energies on this ladder were infused on a waxing moon. 

Happy spell casting witches

To purchase this Yuletide witches ladder click here

Whilst weaving and adding your charms and knots remember to focus your intent, so these energies are embedded into this witches ladder.

So what are you waiting for my dear witches, time to get crafty! 

Blessed be 
~Opal Storm )O(

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Better than salt dough Rune Stones

How to Make Salt Dough Runes

Now heres an interesting topic.... Salt dough... well I think this is better than salt dough anyhow :)

For those of you who would like to get creative, this is a fabulous idea. I have been searching online for some runes  the last few days but I haven't really found anything that I liked or that I was drawn to. I then decided to make some from different materials and here commenced my experimentation. 

This is my first attempted batch of runes and it 'feels' so much better as I am the one that created them. When you are working with your natural materials, remember as you are crafting you are embedding your personal energies into your work. So for the rune 'Algiz' the symbol of protection, envision all the protective forces around you whilst you are working to create it and so on and so forth for each one that you create. 

Now lets commence with what you need 
(You can increase or decrease the ingredient amounts to suit your needs):

1/2 cup of corn flour
1 cup of Bicarbonate of soda
3/4 cups of water

(you can add food colouring,,micas, herbs etc at this point if you wish, but I chose not to so I can have a blank canvas to paint on.)

Mix all your ingredients together into a pan, stir with a spoon to make sure you get all the lumps out, then place the pan over a low heat. 

Keep stirring until it starts to thicken. This should happen pretty quickly. When it starts to resemble a little like potato mash, take it off the heat, scoop it out with a spoon and place in a glass bowl to cool down. Cover with a damp cloth and let it sit.

Once cooled, there you have it! Pliable white dough that you can work with. 

Next part; sprinkle your work surface and rolling pin with a little corn flour so that your dough doesn't stick and kneed it a little. Roll it out to your desired thickness, then start cutting out your shapes. 

Once this is done, you can start to add your detail, you can make further patterns with the left over dough or you can embed with stones, beads, twigs, feathers, stamps or whatever you choose.


Most salt dough recipes call for baking in the oven at a high temperature for 2 hours, but I don't like the way the dough looks afterwards (It browns a little,and the shapes don't always stay true to form. I wanted mine to be pure white, and for them to keep their shape). So what I did as I made two batches at the same time (because I ran out of room in my dehydrator lol), I left half to dry naturally for two weeks, on a tray lined with some baking paper, and placed it on top of my fridge, (you must remember to turn your objects every couple of days so both sides can air dry properly). Or if you are like me and are a little impatient you can use your dehydrator on medium heat, until your creations are dry. I find the heat of a dehydrator isn't as harsh as the oven, your creations don't turn brown and don't expand like a cake when drying. Another plus to using the dehydrator is that if you are decorating with beads or feathers, these items wont melt or burn.

Now your creations have dried, you can choose to leave them as they are, or you can paint them with further detail. Once painted, again let it air dry, then either seal the colour in with a varnish, spray varnish, or if you don't have those to hand clear nail polish will also do. 

So now you have the basics, go and have fun.. experiment! See what you can come up with!! I would love to see what you all can do! Post your creations below in the comments if you can.

~Opal Storm )O(