Monday 27 October 2014

The Magicke about Pine


Where to start?!?! So much to say about this wonderful herb, from oils to leaves to craft projects to magicke. Such a versatile herb that I can have lots and lots of fun with. As I'm sure you will too, once you are done reading this :)

Ok lets start with its health benefits. Pine needle tea! Yes that's right tea... Now I hear you say, why would I want pine needle tea, well for a fact its about 4 to 5 times higher in vitamin C than lemons and oranges. It also contains vitamin A which is essential for healthy vision, skin and hair, also for the regeneration of red blood cells. And is also a mucus expectorant.

To prepare your tea, just boil some water, add a teaspoonful to your mug pour the water over it and let it infuse for about 10 to 15 mins. The needles should sink to the bottom by this time. Now if you have those handy tea baskets to hold the needles in even better!

Once your tea infusion has cooled this could also double up as an antiseptic. Think about all the products for the bathroom on the supermarket shelves that contain pine, well there is a reason for it, not only does it smell quite pleasing, but it also kills off the bad bacteria.

As an essential oil its benefits are tremendous! Pine oil is antimicrobial, anti-neuralgic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, cholagogue, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, hypertensive, insecticidal, restorative, rubefacient, adrenal cortex stimulant as well as stimulant to the circulation and nervous system.

So if you ever have achy bones, feel exhausted or are a sufferer of rheumatism add about 4 handful of needles to 4 cups water allow to simmer for 15 mins, strain then add to bath water for a natural relief and revitalise.

Again if you suffer from a stuffy nose from a cold, or have a respiratory issues, steam inhalation here is great, as it is an expectorant it will work wonders!

Pine nuts add a delightful taste to salads, baking and pesto, basil and pine nuts are very complimentary go ahead, try it :)

Pine nut basil pesto recipe:
4oz fresh basil leaves,
3/4 cup parmesan cheese
6 cloves of garlic (or to taste)
1oz pine nuts 
olive oil

Which leads us onto pine cones...

Pine cones are found in wreaths, potpourri, tree decorations and even firelighters. For the crafter they are incredibly versatile all you need is imagination. For more on different herbs and their magickal properties, please visit my facebook page. 

Here's a potpourri recipe ~ Winter Pot Pourri: 

You can make this, for yourself or to give away as gifts.

1 quart mixed alder cones, pine cones, pine needles, juniper tips, and scented conifer tips
50g (2oz) mixed scented evergreen leaves, comprising: myrtle, bay, eucalyptus 
25g (1oz) fine ground gum benzoin
25g(1oz) lavender
2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
1/2 teaspoon whole cloves
1/2 vanillia pod
2 drops lavender oil
2 drops pine oil
2 drops lemon oil

This is a sharp, spicy scented pot pourri, Buy yours here

Rainbow Flames: 

My children love taking part in this experiment, they love to watch the flames change an array of different colours just by throwing a treated pine cone onto it. 

Ok here are the colours and what is needed to create them.
you need a large bucket of pine cones (so you better get collecting lol) 

The colours are:
Purple/Violet - Potassium Chloride (found in non-sodium salt substitutes)
Red - Strontium chloride (red) or lithium chloride (deep red)
Blue - Calcium chloride (can be found in bleaching powder)
White - Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts)
Yellow/Green - Borax/Borax substitute
Green - blue vitrol/bluestone
Yellow - Sodium chloride (found in table salt) 

Most of these can be found in your local supermarket, the ones you can't just have a look online. Amazon and eBay are pretty good. 

Soak these pine cones in one of the above solutions 1/2lb of powder of choice to 1/2 gallon of water. Make sure it as all dissolved before adding the pine cones. Let the pine cones sit in this solution over night. Next morning place the cones in a mesh bag and allow to dry for  a couple of days. 

You can have fun with these, and you can add the colours into your magickal workings too when working with fire-spells.

Now my fellow witches if you find that you don't have the resources or the time to make these I will gladly do this for you! All you need to do is click on this link and order yours today :) 


Carrying Pine cones on your person aids with fertility, floor wash made with pine wards of negative influences entering your home and fights illness. To get your magickally charged floor wash click on this link and request a custom order.

A pine wand or cone on your alter also wards off negative influences.

Element: Air/Fire
Planet: Mars
Symbolism: Birth, Fertility, Abundance, Fortune, Health and Love

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