Monday 5 January 2015

By The Light Of The Silvery Moon...

Abundant Mother, Moon So Bright
Hear My Plea Upon This Night,
Your Fertile Power Lend this Spell
Make it Potent, Strong and Well

Below is a chart of the various moons throughout the year from

For Centuries womens menstrual cycles were always in sync with the lunar cycle. This was all before industrialisation, processed foods and modern day living. In Traditional cultures and the natural way of  living all women would ovulate by the full moon and menstruate by the new moon and this was every woman's default. Anything different causes hormonal disruption and biological chaos to our cycle.

Think about the gravitational pull as the moon waxes and wanes, and what effect it has on our oceans. Intrinsically we are connected to mother nature, and as time goes on these effects of the moon on our body will come to light through science.   

Think about all the items that can cause havoc with our internal body clock, and its happy equilibrium. Contraceptives, antibiotics, stress, refined foods and more. 

Artificial light has a lot to answer for. We create melatonin when we sleep and to be precise it happens around midnight. For good hormonal balance we need a good nights sleep, and if you can have bedtime at 10pm would be ideal and a total of 8 hours sleep is beneficial to help reset hormones. 

'Lunaception' was first published in the 70's by Louise Lacey, it makes for a very good read on how to manipulate light to reconnect with the moons cycles.

Moon Magic has been used for a very long time to bring about the spell caster good fortune, fertility, love and more.. 

 Moon Cleanse Juice/Smoothie

Nature Ebbs and flows all around us and reconnecting with mother earth with what she provides and timing it in with the lunar cycle is what is called for. Herbs/veg that are beneficial to female health are as follows:

2 green apples
2 oranges peeled
1 lemon peeled
12 leaves of a mixture of kale, swiss chard, and spinach
8 stalks of celery
1 cucumber
handful of parsley
1 inch piece of ginger root (or 1tsp ground powder if not available)
2 inch piece Turmeric (or 2tsp ground powder if not available)

Pop all ingredients through either use a juicer or a blender, whichever you choose that is best for you. This is enough for 1 days nourishment, consume within 24 hours. 

Drink this around the full moon period. 1 day before the full moon, day of full moon and 1 day after the full moon. Use the full moon chart above to time your Herbal Moon cleanse routine. 

Herbal Vitality Tea

Herbs are an excellent way of balancing your hormones, and this combination is a brilliant for balancing progesterone and estrogen levels within the body. Bringing your body back into alignment with its natural rhythms.

3 parts raspberry leaf
1 part chaste tree berries
2 parts nettle leaf
1 part astragalus root 
1 part oatstraw
1 part blessed thistle
2 parts peppermint

to use, take one teaspoon per cup of hot water and allow to steep for about 3-5 mins before consuming. Add honey to taste
or you could make a tincture out of this made from either vodka, AVC or glycerine. Just place all herbs in a jar, and cover with medium of choice. Place the jar in a dark cupboard and shake every couple of days for the next 6 weeks (this makes for a stronger herbal remedy)

(not suitable for pregnant or nursing mothers) If you have an existing medical condition please consult a medical practitioner before taking anything new. This information is by no means intended to replace any medical advice, please do your own research accordingly for any of these recipes provided.

Happy Lunar cycles :)

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