Wednesday 23 September 2015

Dragons blood

What?! I hear your say, there is no such thing as dragons... Well here you stand corrected.. Because they do exist or I wouldn't be holding the resin in my hand. The blood red resin and flowers that resemble a dragons head are what gave this resin its name. It's scientific name is Daemonorops
Draco. Okay.. Okay... so its on a real fire breathing dragon... 

My Red Gold

It's has many medicinal benefits as well as magical.

Medicinally it's great for all things skin related, from eczema, psoriasis, cuts, bites, burns, stings, rashes, abrasions, sores, and wounds. It is high in antioxidant and anti inflammatory compounds, so it combats any kind of redness and swelling making this a fabulous addition to skin care cosmetics. It's powerful qualities even have anti-wrinkle effects as it actually 'repairs' the collagen balance in our skin. It is also antibacterial, antiviral, and anti fungal. So no wonder this is a Magickal all rounder, it beats any kind of synthetic ingredient hands down!! 

Not only is it used externally but can be used internally too. For stomach ulcers, diarrhoea etc.. 

It can be made into a face mask too!!! For The recipe follow the link below

Or if you prefer you can purchase this ready made in my shop

Magickal uses: 
Dragons blood has been used in many spiritual rituals to enhance protection, love, sexuality and evocation. 

If you are seeking a marriage proposal it is said that putting  your 'lovers' name on a small square of brown paper, cross it with their own name, fold dragons blood powder into the name-paper, and throw the packet onto glowing charcoal along with love me incense while saying their prayer, will bring marriage.

In hoodoo, there's a dual belief that dragons blood bring luck in money and love as well as warding off evil. 

Women would burn the resin in their window to invite love or address impotence concerns. 

It can be burned alone or with other incense ingredients.  For a loose incense recipe with dragons blood for magical workings click here. It can also used to add power and potency to any magical workings. Mix in some resin into a carrier oil of choice and let it steep for 4 weeks minimum, the dragons blood oil can then be used in the bath. For mojo bags, charm pouches click here

Magickal inks:

Dragons blood ink you will need:
Dragons blood resin
Gum arabica
Myrrh essential oil
Cinnamon essential oil

Use this ink for magickal workings. Best made during a waxing moon.

This gorgeous Dragons Blood Vial can be found here

Element: fire
Planet: Mars 
Gender: masculine

Disclaimer*******The information contained in this article is intended for information and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe or replace proper medical care. The plant described herein is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, mitigate or prevent any disease. We recommend to seek professional medical treatment for any health condition you wish to cure, heal or solve

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